Daily Grind 03.03.08

Dayjob page total: 238! 🙂

Current Works
Dayjob: I’ve been given my assignment on the new dayjob. Compile a list of current error codes used in the system and export them to MS Word. It took me all day to copy and paste the list and strip certain editing comments. Tomorrow I’ll be breaking this mammoth doc out and putting it into sections and adding pictures.

Manuscript Editing: Haven’t progressed on the editing since Saturday night. I did move it from the table back to my writing nook, though. Does that count?

Clear Access Report Edits: Set up new project cards for a new contract job I may be doing after work. This job is a small one, for kender’s company. The job requires me to edit, redesign and clean up a pre-existing document and turn it into a customer focused Getting Started Guide. I read thru said document to get a better idea of what the scope and time it’ll take to make it better.

Potlatch 17 Review: My personal thoughts and notes regarding my weekend trip to Seattle and Potlatch 17.

I’m so terribly busy. This weekend I attended Potlatch 17 in Seattle and got home late. I am still trying to unpack and get back into the “new” flow of things. Of course, I’m still not used to the steady grind of an 8 hour work day. Twenty four hours doesn’t seem like enough time anymore. I have new projects coming out of the wood works like crazy. I need to find time to schedule all the ideas I have floating in my head AND still attend to my husband and 3 cats.

Oh, and I decided to re-subscribe to Writer’s DIgest Magazine. I was flipping through Kim’s copy at the hotel and thought about how I needed to feel more connected to my profession. And magazines are one way that help me feel this way. She (and I agreed) said that I owed it to myself to get it and I did. I hope my copy comes soon. Otherwise I’ll hafta go out and get the latest one.

To Do List
–dayjob tasks
–dinner at the Firkin & Ferg with friends
–Trash duties

Ye Olde Linkfest
Received today’s links from an Society of Technical Communication Email I received this weekend. It had a bunch of good info in there that I wanted to share.

22 tips for writing software documentation users will actually read This article, while having a great opening line that defines what a technical writer does, gives 22 tips for making your documents totally usable and readable by audiences.

Reusable XML A good beginner article that describes what DITA is and how it and XML is used into creating single sourcing documentation. This article describes 6 levels of DITA that writers and companies can start adapting into their processes.

Six strategies for low-cost content management A lot of my friends and old coworkers seem to be coming to me for information on how they and their companies can start building reusable content and documentation systems. This article goes into some creative ways companies can start planning for CMS documemtation systems. I was hoping it’d go into applications and specific cheeper systems but it doesn’t. For now, my favorite “all in one” system is Madcap Flare, but sadly it is Windows OS only. I have yet to research and uncover if there is a similar offering for the Mac side of things.

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